How Hiring + Recruiting Is Fueling Success in the CPG Industry

The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry has always been a dynamic and ever-evolving sector. As we dive into 2023, a plethora of exciting opportunities await CPG companies ready to embrace innovation, adapt to changing consumer preferences, and leverage cutting-edge technologies. The critical aspect that can unlock these opportunities is talent, and more specifically, effective hiring and recruiting practices. Check out the emerging trends in the CPG industry for 2023 and learn how strategic talent acquisition can support companies in their pursuit of growth and success.

Embracing Digital Transformation

According to Mastercard’s CPG Trends report for 2023, “82% of CPG executives agree that digital transformation is the key to achieving growth and profitability.” With the growing influence of e-commerce, direct-to-consumer (D2C) sales, and data-driven insights, companies must adapt to the digital landscape to stay competitive. Hiring subject matter experts in digital marketing, e-commerce platforms, data analytics, and supply chain optimization will be essential for organizations looking to seize the vast opportunities presented by online sales channels and personalized customer experiences.

Catering to Shifting Consumer Preferences

The report highlights that “68% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that aligns with their values.” Consumer preferences are constantly evolving, and in 2023, CPG companies must align their product portfolios and brand messaging accordingly. Building a strong team of individuals with a deep understanding of sustainability, clean labeling, plant-based alternatives, and ethical sourcing will enable organizations to tap into the growing demand for socially conscious products, leading to a competitive edge in the market.

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Automation

The Mastercard report states that “63% of CPG executives plan to increase their investments in AI and automation.” Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies have the potential to revolutionize the CPG industry in 2023. Intelligent algorithms can analyze vast amounts of consumer data, enabling companies to anticipate trends, personalize marketing campaigns, and optimize supply chain operations. Team members that specialize in AI, machine learning, and automation will enable CPG companies to harness the power of data-driven insights and streamline processes, leading to enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and improved decision-making.

Enhancing the Customer Experience

According to the report, “89% of consumers expect brands to deliver personalized experiences.” The customer experience has become a key differentiator in the CPG industry. Building strong connections with consumers and providing seamless, personalized experiences will be crucial in 2023. Hiring professionals skilled in consumer research, design thinking, and customer relationship management will help companies understand their target audience better and create tailored solutions to meet their evolving needs. Additionally, recruitment efforts should focus on individuals capable of developing engaging content, social media strategies, and influencer partnerships to amplify brand presence and drive customer loyalty.

Nurturing Diversity and Inclusion

The Mastercard report emphasizes that “diversity and inclusion are catalysts for innovation.” Creating a diverse workforce, inclusive of various backgrounds, perspectives, and skill sets, can foster innovation, enhance problem-solving, and improve overall company performance. Organizations should prioritize hiring practices that promote diversity, actively seeking individuals from underrepresented groups, to build an inclusive culture that encourages collaboration, creativity, and empathy.

As the CPG space evolves in 2023, companies must stay agile and adapt to the changing landscape. By strategically investing in hiring and recruiting efforts, organizations can unlock the vast opportunities available to them. Whether through digital transformation, catering to shifting consumer preferences, leveraging AI and automation, enhancing the customer experience, or nurturing diversity and inclusion, talent acquisition plays a pivotal role in driving growth and success.

If you’re a CPG company seeking to capitalize on the emerging trends in the industry and secure top-tier talent, at CMRG, we understand the unique challenges and requirements of the CPG space and have a proven track record of connecting companies with exceptional professionals who possess the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in this ever-evolving landscape.

Don’t miss out on the exciting opportunities that 2023 holds for the CPG industry. Take action today by partnering with CMRG to secure the talent that will drive your company’s success in the years to come. Reach out today! 

Alternatively, are you looking for a new role in the CPG Space? CMRG can assist! Join our applicant pool today!

Caitie Cunningham

Caitie Cunningham is CMRG's VP of Marketing + Business Development. She has over 13 years of integrated marketing, sales and recruitment experience.