Fractional + Retained Recruitment Services


Find the
Right Person

At CMRG, we offer a unique, flat fee retained search model.

Here’s why most of our clients prefer retained search with CMRG! With our Fractional + Retained Recruitment Services Agreements you receive:

– A dedicated Account Executive & Recruiter

– Job description consulting/creation 

– Salary benchmarking consulting 

– Creation and submission of candidate profiles and decks – with no placement fees

– A flat-fee per month invoice (instead of fees based upon a candidates’ annual compensation and salary)

– External job board posting

– Savings of 50%+ vs. a traditional contingency agreement

With a cost savings of 50% or more compared to a traditional contingency search agreement, this flexible monthly Fractional Retained Recruitment Services option is the perfect fit for startups to enterprise companies.

Learn more about our unique Fractional and Retained search model by scheduling a time to speak with our team today!

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